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Telephone Town Halls And COVID-19 – What They Want To Know

As the outbreak of coronavirus continues to affect the lives of millions, Telephone Town Halls have become highly effective tools in providing essential updates to Americans who are alarmed by the health and economic consequences of the pandemic.

Here at Stones’ Phones, we’re witnessing first-hand the immense utility of Telephone Town Halls during this global crisis as they connect healthcare professionals, political and community leaders to thousands across the country who seek answers and reassurance. Given the drastic rise in Telephone Town Hall participation, we decided to monitor some of the questions asked during several congressional events to understand what people are mostly concerned about. Here’s what we’ve found:

  • People are increasingly asking about the financial and economic repercussions of COVID-19. The most common questions are regarding unemployment, stimulus check, small businesses relief, upcoming rent/mortgage/utility payments, and general government aid. Typical questions include:

  • Although financial and economic questions are dominant, healthcare-related issues remain relevant. At this point people are familiar with basic health precautions including the necessity of social distancing and constant hand washing. That said, health associated questions have become more specific and have expanded to include the availability of personal protective equipment and the life span of coronavirus.

For example:

We’ve always said that phones work and this is especially true in times of global emergencies like the coronavirus. As Americans continue grappling with challenges such as job security, the future of the nation’s economy, as well as emotional anxieties, Telephone Town Halls have become crucial platforms where they voice their concerns and get critical updates. Political and community leaders may not always have answers to all questions, but their voices give comfort and reassurance to millions around the country.

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